Acupuncture balances the body’s system through increasing circulation, nervous system response, and energetic flow to areas not functioning to their full potential. The goal of any treatment is to encourage the body back to its natural balance where muscles are being used evenly and neural impulses are firing in response to the appropriate stimuli. Many diseases and pain states can be simplified down and viewed as local or systemic imbalances. Acupuncture can help change the blood, nerve and lymph pathways in the body through gentle suggestion to decrease pain and help the body heal from disease.
Cupping involves the application of suction using glass cups. When the suction is applied to the skin, it creates a reverse massage of sorts. Cupping helps separate the myofascial from the muscle in order to release toxins and alleviate painful muscle adhesions. This modality helps to increase blood circulation, relax tight muscles and reduce pain.
Injection Therapy
Injection therapy or Biopuncture is the injecting of a natural substance into specific trigger points on the body to relieve pain or treat a systemic problem. Those natural substances include homeopathic remedies, vitamin B-12, saline, lidocaine or procaine into the muscles when deemed to be beneficial to the patient.
Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbal medicine uses the power of plants and minerals to treat various internal medical conditions. Herbal remedies are formulated for each individual's specific needs. Each individual herb has different actions on specific tissues in the body. When various herbs are combined to create a customized formula, they act together to resolve imbalances and strengthen the functions of the body’s internal organs.
More commonly known as pediatric acupuncture, this technique uses handmade Japanese tools instead of needles to stimulate acupuncture points. For adults with a fear of needles, these tools can also be used.
Microneedling or Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), involves using a handheld device or microneedling pen with a disposable sterilized head containing rows of thin needles. The practitioner moves the pen across the face and neck penetrating the skin to a uniform depth, creating a controlled skin injury. This controlled skin injury prompts the body to stimulate collagen and elastin fiber production. The ending result is healthy, glowing skin.
Microneedling is a great addition for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reducing the appearance of sun damage, particularly hyperpigmentation and age spots, and diminishing acne scarring, stretch marks and surgical scars. Microneedling has a comparable effect to chemical peel treatments but without the long downtime. You can enjoy a glowing complexion 24-48 hours after microneedling with the full effects seen in 3 to 6 months after your last treatment. The number of treatments needed varies between 2 to 6 treatments, depending on how you treat your skin, your age and cellular turnover. For more information please contact our office.
Microneedling is a great addition for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reducing the appearance of sun damage, particularly hyperpigmentation and age spots, and diminishing acne scarring, stretch marks and surgical scars. Microneedling has a comparable effect to chemical peel treatments but without the long downtime. You can enjoy a glowing complexion 24-48 hours after microneedling with the full effects seen in 3 to 6 months after your last treatment. The number of treatments needed varies between 2 to 6 treatments, depending on how you treat your skin, your age and cellular turnover. For more information please contact our office.